Just testing Odoo to see if we should use it.
Am trying to install an Australian Chat of Accounts module via the user interface.
The Application is installed on a Win PC using Bitnami.
After logging in as Administrator with "Technical Features" active there are extra menu options for Module but nothing like Add, Install, etc.
The new module was pasted into the Oddo Addon folder which is found "….\Odoo\apps\odoo\Lib\site-packages\odoo-8.0_20150423-py2.7.egg\openerp\addons".
When I tried creating a new menu option "Module Import".
Settings->Technical->User Interface->MenuItems [3] Edit "Settings/Modules" [4] Add submenu called "Import" with "Action: ir.actions.act_window" and "Module Import" [5] Save the changes and refresh the window (You can see a new submenu called "Import") [6] Settings->Modules->Import [7] Select the downloaded zip file (attachment_size_limit- then click "Import Module"
BUT, when i get to "Action: ir.actions.act_window" there is no "Module Import" option even after searching.
Also at this point the added module does not show up in the module list but that would be due to it not being added to the data base I am assuming. This needs to be done with the "Module import".
So what happens now to get this module installed as without the Australian setup, there is no point to the application.