Integrate all kinds of ZKTeco based attendance machines with Odoo
Biometric Attendance Machines Integration
Records resumé on applicants during recruitment process
Recruitment Applicant Resume
Store employee's relatives information
Employee Relatives
Search / Filter employees with birthday criteria Turn On / Off display date of birth in the employee profile
Employee Birthday Filters
Integrate Equipment with Inventory application for equipment stock and tracing
Stock Equipment
Managing Employee Grade.
HR Employee Grade
Manage drivers of your fleet
Fleet Drivers Management
Concatenate barcode and name
Badge ID in Employee Name
Reimburse HR Expenses in Payroll with Payslips
HR Expense & Payroll Integration
Integrate Timesheet application with Event application
Event Timesheet
Integrate Asset Management with Stock Equipment application for management equipment as asset
Integrate Asset - Equipment Management and the warehouse
Maitenance by working hours
Maintenance By Working Hours
Add maintenance schedule information from product to related equipment
Stock Equipment Maintenance Schedule
Post notification prior to maintenance scheduled date
Maintenance Notification
HR Contracts actions for better workflow control
HR Contract Action Buttons
Search / Filter employees with birthday criteria
Public Employee Birthday Filters
Add leave limit per period for Leave Types
Leaves Limit per Period
Fleet Vehicle Revenue Modeling module provides of the model Fleet Vehicle Revenue
Fleet Vehicle Revenue Modeling
Holidays in Lunar Calendar
Holidays in Lunar Year
Provide advanced and must-have features to improve HRM in real world.
HR Advanced & Tuned