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What is the procedure to migrate on-premise Odoo to the cloud based ERPOnline?



We have an Odoo deployed on our owner servers and just want to know potentiality to migrate it to cloud since ERPOnline sounds great.
Is there any additional cost?

2 Answers
Best Answer

Thanks David! We just started to use Odoo in the December last year. Just only 17 GB, including the filestore and email data, etc.

David Tran
Best Answer

Hello Captcha,

Thanks for your consideration! Migrate to ERPOnline cloud is so simple if you can accept downtime at your site. In that case, we will not charge you any penny. You just follow the steps bellow:

  1. Order the most preferred plan on ERPOnline.
  2. stopping your Odoo system to ensure no change will be made during the migration process
  3. backing up your data (including the database, filestore, custom modules)
  4. sending us the backup
  5. Sitting back and relaxing while we will be bringing it to our cloud. It may takes time depending on how big your data is.

In case you don't want any downtime, the situation becomes more complicated and will will charge you a small amount. The procedure this case is:
  1. You give us SSH access to your servers
  2. We will setup replications (database, files, image, etc) between a cloud server of ours and your servers. This cloud server will act as a transition machine to transit you to our real cloud clusters.
  3. Disconnect the replications when done
  4. Go live with our innovative Odoo cloud
This process may take from several hours to days or weeks, depending on how big your data is and your connection speed to our cloud.

Could I know how big your data is?

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