Kindly let me know the procedure to make Employee Advance Request ?
I can't see the analytic account option in that form. In many cases, when the staff ask for Advance Request, s/he needs to mentioned the Analytic Account to make sure that there is still budget available on it and the supervisor approve and finance pay.
After the staff return, where s/he has to put/input the actual transactions ?
How to settle the cash advance if the actual expense is over / under the cash advance request.
1 Answer
Hi you!
With your question, please see the instruction below:
1. I can't see the analytic account option in that form. In many cases, when the staff ask for Advance Request, s/he needs to mentioned the Analytic Account to make sure that there is still budget available on it and the supervisor approve and finance pay.
- Yes. Employee Advance Requests form don't have an analytic account to choose. It only appears when that request is approved and create a Journal item. If you need to input an analytic account, you should input it in a journal entry (See Picture 1).
- Besides, to know the budget available, I think the supervisor is financial control and have the right to approve or refuse request.
2. After the staff return, where s/he has to put/input the actual transactions ?
- After the staff return. they can give an invoice or receipt for an accountant to input in the Vendor invoice. After that, using the Employee Advance Journal to pay. (See Picture 2)
3. How to settle the cash advance if the actual expense is over / under the cash advance request.
- Access in Employee advance module -> Accounting -> Employee advance reconcile and press new create
- Choose Employee and Advance Journal, system auto list debit information and credit information of advance. -> Confirm this reconcile
- Final, if the actual expense is over / under the cash advance request -> you use press employee refund or add payment (See picture 4)
Hi Sally,
It's unfortunate that the selection of the Account Analysis is done after the cash advance request is approved. It's better it can be input manually by requester before the advance request is submitted to supervisor. So, the supervisor knows from which budget the advance request is. For your information number of budget will be vary it's not practices to set all of them as the type of journal.