David Tran Legal Hits: 6,405

Note Dernière modification: 5 mai 2017. Ces conditions régissent la vente de produits et services entre Odoo S.A. et ses filiales (collectivement, "Odoo S.A.") et le client. Des conditions supplémentaires peuvent s'appliquer pour d'autres services offerts par Odoo S.A. (par exemple, l'Odoo Enterprise Subscription Agreement). Si ces conditions supplémentaires entrent en contradiction avec les Con...

David Tran Legal Hits: 5,616

In order to contribute to any of the Odoo projects, companies and individuals have to sign the Odoo Contributor License Agreement (CLA). More information about this requirement, the procedure to sign the agreement, and a FAQ can be found on our GitHub project page. ...

David Tran Legal Hits: 5,935

Note Last revision: May 5, 2017. These General Terms of Sale govern the sale of products and services by Odoo S.A. and its affiliates (collectively, "Odoo S.A.") to the client. Additional terms may apply for services provided by Odoo S.A. (for example, the Enterprise Subscription Agreement). If these additional terms are inconsistent with the General Terms of Sale, the additional terms will prev...

David Tran Legal Hits: 7,794

Odoo 13 Community Edition Odoo 13 Community Edition is licensed under LGPL version 3 (also known as LGPLv3). See also the GPL FAQ and the compatibility matrix. Odoo 13 Enterprise Edition Odoo 13 Enterprise Edition is licensed under the Odoo Enterprise Edition License v1.0, defined as follows: Odoo Apps Unless otherwise stated, Odoo Apps by Odoo SA (including the website themes) are publishe...

David Tran Legal Hits: 11,686

Note Version 9c - 2020-06-15 By subscribing to the Odoo Enterprise services (the "Services") provided by Odoo SA and its affiliates (collectively, "Odoo SA") in relation with Odoo Enterprise Edition or Odoo Community Edition (the "Software"), hosted on Odoo SA's Cloud platforms (the "Cloud Platform") or on-premises ("Self-Hosting"), you (the "Customer") are agreeing to be bound by the following ...

David Tran Legal Hits: 6,566

Warning Dies ist eine deutsche Übersetzung des "Odoo Enterprise Subscription Agreement". Diese Übersetzung soll das Verständnis erleichtern, hat aber keinen rechtlichen Wert. Der einzige offizielle Verweis auf die Geschäftsbedingungen des „Odoo Enterprise Subscription Agreement“ ist :ref:`die englische Originalversion `. Warning DIESE VERSION IST NICHT AKTUELL, FÜR DIE AKT...

David Tran Legal Hits: 11,162

Warning Ceci est une traduction en français du contrat “Odoo Enterprise Subscription Agreement”. Cette traduction est fournie dans l’espoir qu’elle facilitera sa compréhension, mais elle n'a aucune valeur légale. La seule référence officielle des termes du contrat “Odoo Enterprise Subscription Agreement” est la :ref:`version originale en anglais `. Note Version 9c - 2020-0...

David Tran Legal Hits: 7,101

Warning Dit is een Nederlandse vertaling van de "Odoo Enterprise Subscription Agreement". Deze vertaling wordt verstrekt in de hoop dat deze het begrip zal vergemakkelijken, maar heeft geen juridische waarde. De enige officiële referentie van de algemene voorwaarden van de "Odoo Enterprise Subscription Agreement" is :ref:`de originele Engelse versie ` Warning DEZE VERSIE I...

David Tran Legal Hits: 3,884

Note Version 1 - Last revision: Novembre 16, 2017. Introduction The Odoo community lists are for enthusiast users, partners and developers who want to have constructive discussions about Odoo. As the lists have thousands of subscribers, this code of conduct aims to ensure a quality discussion for everyone. These lists are not systematically reviewed by Odoo staff - while you will see responses ...

David Tran Legal Hits: 5,825

Warning Esta es una traducción al español del "Odoo Partnership Agreement". Esta traducción se proporciona con la esperanza de que facilitará la comprensión, pero no tiene valor legal. La única referencia oficial de los términos y condiciones del "Odoo Partnership Agreement" es :ref:`la versión original en inglés `. Note Versión 8a - 2019-08-09 ENTRE: Odoo S.A., una em...

David Tran Legal Hits: 6,108

Warning Ceci est une traduction en français du contrat “Odoo Partnership Agreement”. Cette traduction est fournie dans l’espoir qu’elle facilitera sa compréhension, mais elle n'a aucune valeur légale. La seule référence officielle des termes du contrat “Odoo Partnership Agreement” est la :ref:`version originale en anglais `. Note Version 9a - 2020-06-10 ENTRE: Odoo S.A...

David Tran Legal Hits: 10,188

Note Version 9a - 2020-06-10 BETWEEN: Odoo S.A., having its registered office at Chaussée de Namur, 40, 1367 Grand-Rosière, Belgium, and its affiliates (collectively referred to as “ODOO”) AND: _____________________________________________, a company having its registered office at _____________________________________________________________________________________. (hereinafter referred to...

David Tran Legal Hits: 4,292

Note Version 1 - Last revision: October 3, 2017. TERMS & CONDITIONS OF THE ODOO.SH BETA PROGRAM You understand and acknowledge that the Service is being provided as a “Public Beta”, and is made available on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis for the purpose of providing Odoo S.A. and its affiliates with feedback on the quality and usability of the Service. The Service may contain errors or inac...

David Tran Legal Hits: 5,909

Temporary version at https://www.odoo.com/page/odoo-privacy-policy (needs cleanup) ...