Manage Affiliates, Affiliate Programs and Commission
Affiliate Management
Warehouse Vietnam Legal Reports
Vietnam Legal Stock Reports
Manage employee payroll
Employee Advance request and approval
Employee Advance
Manage Odoo apps / modules. Generate apps from a git branch
Odoo Apps Management
Submit Approval Requests to get approved
Set up some salary information according to Vietnamese rules
Vietnam - Payroll
Accounting Data for Vietnamese Payroll Rules
Vietnam - Payroll with Accounting
Manage employee documents and Notify before expire date
Employee Documents
Viin Loyalty Programs Base
Loyalty Program
Manage Meal Orders for your employees
Meal Orders
Display employee profile on Online Appointment Booking
Online Appointment Booking HR
Accounting Data for Vietnamese Meal Order Payroll Rules
Vietnam - Meal Order Payroll with Accounting
Allow Department Managers to request for new employee recruitment
Recruitment Requests/Approvals
Attendance and Payroll Integration
Payroll Attendance
Create quotation or sale order from appointment
Appointment to Sale Order
Track changes made on important fields related to the employee profile
Employee Information Changes Tracking
Allow to Schedule Appointments
Link appointment of opportunity to quotation
Appointment Opportunity to Quotation
Add transfer rules in compliance with VAS
Vietnam Account Auto Transfer