Lock sales prices on sales quotations for salespersons, ensuring consistency and control
Sales Price Lock
Allowing each product to have multiple barcodes instead of just one
Multi-Barcodes for Products
Manage your partner's shareholder
Partner ShareHolder
Grant accountants access to product Cost
Product Standard Price Access - Accountant
Restrict access to product's Cost field
Product's Cost Access
Grant purchase users access to product Cost
Product Standard Price Access - Purchase User
Allow members of the same sales team to collaborate on the same quotation / sales order
Sales Team Collaboration - Sales
Allow members of the same sales team to collaborate on the same lead/quotation/order
Sales Team Collaboration
Integrate Sales Team Advanced with CRM
CRM - Sales Teams Advanced
Add Sankey view for Sale
Viin Sale Sankey
Manage Share Links, Commissions and Payment Request on website
Website Affiliate
Sales targets for individual sales persons and sales teams.
Sales Target
Integrated Sales Target Management with Sales Application
Sales Target Management - Sales Management
Assign the Tech Lead for project and grant permission to read the sales order and sales order lines.
Sale Project Technician
Grant project managers read access to the corresponding sales orders and sales order lines.
Sale Project
Advanced reports for sales application
Sales Reports
Adding more sales access groups
Sales Teams Advanced
Integrate Sales application with Sales Teams Advanced
Sales - Sales Teams Advanced
Disallow to delete a sale order, which is being referred by any related delivery (stock transfer).
Delete Sales Order - Check Stock Transfer
Add mail thread and track changes on the Unit of Measure form
Track Changes in Units of Measure