Integrate Product Category Chatter with WMS Accounting
Product Category Chatter - Stock Account
Integrate Sales App and Wallet app
Sales - Wallets
Issue promotion vouchers then sell or give away to your customers
Promotion / Gift Vouchers
Add different pricing for days of week
Product Weekday Pricelist
Summary ======= Integrates Promotion Voucher application with Payment and Accounting for customers to pay the goods they buy from you using promotion
Promotion Voucher - Accounting Payment
Integrate Promotion voucher with both of POS and Sales APP
Sales - POS Voucher
Sell promotion vouchers using Sales Management apps
Promotion Vouchers - Sales Management Integration
Manage employee scale
Partner Employee Size
Recurring Pricelist every month or year
Recurring Pricelist
Manage business type
Partner Business Type Management
Manage business ownership types
Partner Ownership Type
Grant project managers read access to the corresponding sales order lines fee.
Fee Definition Sale Project
Selling Transportation Services
Fleet Transportation Sales
Fix the problem when both Sales Confirmation Backdate and Online Proposals are installed
Sales Confirmation Backdate - Online Proposals
Automatically input sections for sales lines and invoice lines
Sales Orders and Invoices Auto Sections
Avoid update invoice_shipping_on_delivery before backdate is entered.
Sales Confirmation Backdate - Delivery Costs
Avoid generating timesheet services generation before backdate is entered.
Sales Confirmation Backdate - Sales Timesheet