Manage your account assets and generate depreciations automatically
Assets Management
Financial and Analytic Accounting
Accounting & Finance
Allows users to make advance payments for sale order.
Sale Advance Payment
Allows users to make advance payments for purchase order.
Purchase Advance Payment
Excluded in Legal Reports filtering for accounting journal entries and journal items
Accounting Report Flag
Some common fields of e-Invoice
E-Invoice common
Integrates with Viettel's S-Invoice service to issue legal e-Invoice
E-Invoice - Viettel S-Invoice Integrator
Counterpart relations between Journal Items
Account Counterparts
Define account balance carry forward rules for automating account balance carry forward
Account Balance Carry Forward
View and create reports
Accounting & Financial Reports
Vietnam General Ledger according to the template S03a-DN
Vietnam - General Ledger (S03a-DN)
Integrates fleet stock and fleet accounting and
Fleet Stock Consumption Accounting
Vietnam Account Detail Sheet according to the template S38-DN
Vietnam - Account Detail Sheet (S38-DN)
An additional number for invoice
Legal Invoice Number
Extend Payment Terms
Payment Terms Extended
Different Accounts for Refunding income and expense
Refund Accounts
Generate forecast for cash flow
Cash Flow Forecast
Import Bank Statement at RJE format
Import RJE Bank Statement
Deposit to eWallet of Commercial Partner
Summary and group all Invoice's lines of the same Product into a new line in a new table
Invoice Lines Summary