Find the warehouse to which the location belongs
Stock Location's Warehouse Identification
Manage Meal Orders for your employees
Meal Orders
Create purchase receipts from purchase order
Purchase Receipt from Purchase Order
Lock Sales Prices on sales quotation to salesmen (Users: own documents)
Sales Price Lock
Specify a reason during stock return
Product Return Reasons - Inventory
Manage employee documents and Notify before expire date
Employee Documents
Add reason for return products in PoS
Product Return Reasons - Point of Sales
Manage Share Links, Commissions and Payment Request on website
Website Affiliate
Adding more sales access groups
Sales Teams Advanced
Hotline for partners and the company
Company Hotline
Integrate the module 'Fleet Operation & Planning' and the module Fleet Accounting
Fleet Operation Accounting
Add different pricing for days of week
Product Weekday Pricelist
Translate Partners' Information
Partner Multilingual
View and create reports
Accounting & Financial Reports
Create delivery from PoS screen.
PoS Delivery
Fleet Operation Revenue with Accounting integration
Fleet Operation Revenue Accounting
Integrate Git Management and Project Management
Git Project Management
Sales Targets for Point of Sales
Sales Target Management - Point of Sales
Loyalty Programs Base
Loyalty Program
Track changes made on important fields related to the employee
Employee Changes Tracking