Import bank statements in CSV and XLSX
Account Bank Statement Import
Manage your account assets and generate depreciations automatically
Assets Management
Financial and Analytic Accounting
Accounting & Finance
View and create reports
Accounting & Financial Reports
Counterpart relations between Journal Items
Account Counterparts
Automatic currency rates update by BIDV bank
Automatic Currency Rates Update by BIDV bank
Different Accounts for Refunding income and expense
Refund Accounts
Import Bank Statement at RJE format
Import RJE Bank Statement
Account Reconciliation Widget and Functions for bank statement reconciliation and journal items reconciliation
Account Reconciliation Widget
Manage commercial partners' e-wallets
Enable seamless Paypal payments for unsupported currencies
Paypal - Enhanced Currency Support
Currency conversions with specific bank' Exchange Rates
Bank Currency Rates
Online payment integration with VNPay
VNPay Payment Acquirer
Base module for Accounting customization
Viindoo Accounting
Manage your company loans
Loan Management
Allow adding a legal number for invoices
Legal Invoice Number
Integrate online payment with ZaloPay
ZaloPay Payment Provider
Automatically adjust inventory valuation for products using the specific identification costing method when discrepancies arise compared to purchase invoice prices.
Stock Specific Identification & Purchase Stock
Intergrating MoMo Payment Acquirer with Viindoo software.
MoMo Payment Provider
Add specific identification costing method to inventory valuation
Specific Identification Costing