Training Management module allow your company to conduct or organized trainings
Training Management
Manage user defined workday types and their period
HR Work Day Type
ReCaptcha validation in Signup Form.
Website ReCaptcha -Signup
Total solution for backdate stock & inventory operations
Inventory Backdate
Additional tools and utilities for other modules
Monkey patch build-in slugify to better support Vietnamese
Slugify Vietnamese
Lock vendor pricelist, Lock Purchase Price on purchase order lines
Vendor Price Lock
Generate repair order from equipment maintenance request.
Repair Order from Maintenance Request
Show tax details on invoice lines
Invoice Tax Details
Add an image and a worksheet for an equipment
Equipment Image & Worksheet
Unhide Stock Input/Output Valuation Accounts for transit locations
Transit Location Accounts
Default Loan Order Template receivable & payable accounts for Vietnam
Loan Management - Vietnam Accounting
Update Repair Order's Customer when select lot/serial number
Repair Partner Info From Lot
What it does ============ Do not allow deletion of a payment transaction if it is still referred by a payment. Editions Supported ==================
Payment Transaction Protection
Apply bank's Exchange Rates in purchase and stock operation
Bank Currency Rates - Purchase Stock
Currency Conversion Difference Move for Payment Transactions that have currency other than their corresponding payment's
Currency Conversion Difference Move for Payment Transaction
Technical module to integrates Odoo Version and Website
Website Odoo Version
Integrate Sales App and Wallet app
Sales - Wallets
Print Payment Receipts in PDF according to the Templates 01-TT and 02-TT
Vietnam - Payment Receipt
Archive/Unarchive equipments and their maintenance requests
Equipment Archive