Add mail thread and track changes on Reordering Rules
Track Changes in Reordering Rules
Sales targets for individual sales persons and sales teams
Sales Target Management
Summary ======= Integrates Promotion Voucher application with Payment and Accounting for customers to pay the goods they buy from you using promotion
Promotion Voucher - Accounting Payment
Allow Department Managers to request for new employee recruitment
HR Recruitment Requests
Enable Numbering on Sales Order Lines
Sales Lines Numbering
Integrate Product Function and Sales
Sales Management & Product Function
Integrate Sales Team Advanced with CRM
CRM - Sales Teams Advanced
Additional fields as vehicle parameters
Fleet Specifications
Accounting Data for Vietnamese Payroll Rules with Insurance & Labor Union fees
Vietnam - Insurance & Labor Union with Accounting
Accounting Data for Vietnamese Payroll Rules
Vietnam - Payroll with Accounting
Attendance and Payroll Integration
Payroll Attendance
Manage drivers of your fleet
Fleet Drivers Management
Track changes made on important fields related to the employee
Employee Changes Tracking
Adding more sales access groups
Sales Teams Advanced
Integrated Sales Target Management with Sales Application
Sales Target Management - Sales Management
Integrate Sales application with Sales Teams Advanced
Sales - Sales Teams Advanced
Add field Code to Leave Type to simplify input in salary rules
HR Payroll Leave Type Code
Support Account Assets Management according to Vietnam Accounting Standards (VAS)
Vietnam - Account Asset
Multi level access control for each warehouse
Multi Warehouse Access Control
Add Salary rules and structures according to Vietnam's nature
Vietnam - Payroll