Summary ======= Integrates Promotion Voucher application with Point of Sales application, so that 1. You can sell vouchers at your Points of Sales 2
Promotion Vouchers for Point of Sales
Store and display partner TIN on Invoice
Invoice Partner TIN (Tax Identification Number)
Add multi-company support for stock location accounts
Multi Company Stock Location Account
Manage survey certificate templates, allowing creating and previewing survey samples before printing.
Survey Quiz and Certification
Draw more attention on dangerous confirmation action
Safe Confirm Button
Add collection to Products
Product Collection
Integrate Product Collection for Point of Sales
Point of Sales & Product Collection
Store employee's relatives information
Employee Relatives
Vietnamese Localization for Fleet Driver
Vietnam Driver License Classes
Replace PoS Loyalty config directive
Replace Loyalty Program PoS Config
Loyalty Program for Sales Management application
Sales Loyalty Programs
Odoo Service Admin 10
Different Accounts for Refunding income and expense
Refund Accounts
Quality Alerts and Control Points
Quality Base
Integrate Timesheet application with Repair application
Repair Timesheet
Accounting Integration for Manufacturing
Accounting - MRP
Recurring invoicing, renewals
Subscription Management
Use budgets to compare actual with expected revenues and costs
Account Budget Management
Add barcode scanning support to manufacturing
MRP Barcode
Schedule and manage maintenance on machine and tools.
Maintenance - MRP