Convert a PoS Order to a Sales Quotation at PoS screen
PoS Order to Sales Quotation
Sales targets for individual sales persons and sales teams.
Sales Target
Summary ======= Integrates Promotion Voucher application with Payment and Accounting for customers to pay the goods they buy from you using promotion
Promotion Voucher - Accounting Payment
Integrate Fleet Vehicle Revenue Modeling and Fleet Accounting
Fleet Revenue Accounting
Show Purchase order lines on the menu
Purchase Order Lines
Allow Department Managers to request for new employee recruitment
Recruitment Requests
Integrate Fleet with Accounting
Fleet Accounting
Format numbers with thousand separators on-fly.
Web Thousand Separators
Web - Button PopUp
Inter-Company Transactions for Invoices
Inter-Company Rule for Invoices
Use budgets to compare actual with expected revenues and costs
Budget Management
Bill of Materials, Routings, Versions, Engineering Change Orders
Product Lifecycle
Add barcode scanning support to manufacturing
MRP Barcode
Work Orders, Planing, Stock Reports.
Mrp Workorder
Quality Management with MRP
Quality Control for MRP
Schedule and manage maintenance on machine and tools.
Maintenance - MRP
Quality Alerts and Control Points
Accounting Integration for Manufacturing
Advanced MRP Accounting
Loyalty Program for Sales Management application
Sales Loyalty Programs
Employee Private Fields Access
HR Employee Private Fields Access