Adding more sales access groups
Sales Teams Advanced
Create purchase receipts from purchase order in Purchase application
Purchase Receipt from Purchase Order
Find the warehouse to which the location belongs
Stock Location's Warehouse Identification
Add collection to Products
Product Collection
HR Contracts actions for better workflow control
HR Contract Action Buttons
Records skills on applicants during recruitment process
Recruitment Applicant Skills
Manage your Fleet Insurance Basic for your vehicles with Viindoo software
Fleet Insurance Basic
Automatic Product Code Generation on product creation
Auto Product Code Generation
Accounting Data for Vietnamese Meal Order Payroll Rules
Vietnam - Meal Order Payroll with Accounting
Track changes made on important fields related to the employee profile
Employee Information Changes Tracking
Accounting analysis with Pivot and Graph
Accounting Analysis
Draw more attention on dangerous confirmation action
Safe Confirm Button
Enter notes on the PoS screen and print notes on the receipt
PoS Order Note for Receipt Printing
Add mail thread and track changes on the Unit of Measure form
Track Changes in Units of Measure
Integrate Fleet Vehicle Revenue Modeling and Fleet Accounting
Fleet Revenue Accounting
Integrate Product Collection and Sales
Sales & Product Collection
Create opportunity from appointment
Appointment to Opportunity
Display employee profile on Online Appointment Booking
Online Appointment Booking HR
Sell products and compute their supplementary fees
Sales Supplementary Fees
Fleet Vehicle Revenue Modeling module provides of the model Fleet Vehicle Revenue
Fleet Vehicle Revenue Modeling