Manage Affiliates, Affiliate Programs and Commission
Affiliate Management
Warehouse Vietnam Legal Reports
Vietnam Legal Stock Reports
Manage your employee payroll records
Fleet Operation Planning
Fleet Planning
Employee Advance requests and approval
Employee Advance
Manage Odoo apps / modules. Generate apps from a git branch
Odoo Apps Management
Automate deferred costs and revenues entries
Cost & Revenue Deferral
Foreign Trade & Logistics Management
Foreign Trade, Logistics
Currency Inverse Rate; Add Graph View;
Currency Rates Inverse
Translate Partners' Information
Partner Multilingual
Manage Meal Orders for your employees
Meal Orders
Integrate the module 'Fleet Operation & Planning' and the module Fleet Accounting
Fleet Operation Accounting
Find and Track HR Expense related journal items and journal entries
Accounting - HR Expense Tracking
Hotline for partners and the company
Company Hotline
Fleet Operation Revenue with Accounting integration
Fleet Operation Revenue Accounting
Manage employee documents and Notify before expire date
Employee Documents
Integrate Fleet with Accounting
Fleet Accounting
Integrate Fleet Vehicle Revenue Modeling and Fleet Accounting
Fleet Revenue Accounting
Track changes made on important fields related to the employee
Employee Changes Tracking
Accounting analysis with Pivot and Graph
Accounting Analysis